Friday, September 3, 2010

Explaining the Inexplicable

We have a court date!!! Yay!!! It's October 5th as long as they get the mountain of paperwork they are asking be redone. Half of it needs to be redone because it is too religious for their taste.

And we were told once again to be prepared to elaborate on why we want to adopt.

Here is where the title of this post comes in. Basically Russia does not understand why a couple of 27 year olds who have only been married for 2 years and who are perfectly capable of having children the "normal" way would want to fly half way around the world to adopt a little boy who is not related to them. They want an explanation and they want us to do it without mentioning God, or faith.

And we can't. There is no reason why we would do all of this. No reason outside an almighty, heavenly father who before the world was formed decided that we should be Sam's parents. We cannot explain why we don't want to wait, why we want to adopt, why we want to adopt from Russia specifically. No answer will satisfy them. And the fact that they keep asking is making me feel crazy and like maybe there is no reason. Which isn't true. In this instance Russia might as well be Satan whispering in our ear. God is the reason. Faith is the reason. Sam is the reason.

I have been thinking of other (non-religious) reasons we could give them. Belmont is planning a new hockey team in 2023 and we are recruiting early. We want to learn Russian and this seems like the easiest route. We're setting ourselves up for our own tv show on TLC. Gypsies are holding our cats hostage and demanding our first son and this seemed like a convenient way to get one.

All crazy reasons. All probably more acceptable to Russia.

I'm joking obviously. Only a little bit not. God wants us to have Sam. When we stand before the judge we just have to pray that he gives us the words to convince them or that they see us with him and words aren't necessary. God is the reason and he can work miracle where we can't.


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