Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Things to do

While having a Russian induced nervous breakdown

By Tim and Carrie

- Write a very long rant about how much Russia sucks
- Eat all the twizzlers in your co-worker's desk because she didn't show up for work today
- Regret eating all the twizzlers in your co-workers desk
- Drive around Brentwood in your car for an hour listening to old songs on your i-pod and skipping any that may be adoption related
- Eat a chik-fil-a kids meal in your car sitting in the parking lot while mumbling to yourself and hope no one you know sees you
- Vow to start fasting. Decide you will eat nothing but ice cream until you have a court date
- Try and google exactly how much it will cost to overnight one piece of paper to St. Petersburg without an exact address

Any more suggestions?

Needless to say we do not have a court date. What we have instead is another form to fill out that says basically exactly what all the other forms said. It also included our favorite question of all time: Why do you want to adopt? The reasons we put have gotten more and more far fetched because we can say nothing about religion, altruism, loving Sam, or anything nice.

There goes another week. Bring on the twizzlers and ice cream.


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