Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sammy Clause Is Coming to Town

A couple of days ago, I decided that a good nickname for Sam was Sammy Clause (And to clear up any confusion early, we don’t know when yet). But he is going to come to town eventually and it is going to be awesome. We received a little bit of Debbie Downer news today from our agency in that they have no idea when the medical committee is going to meet to decided Sam’s final diagnosis. So I am guessing that they are going on Sammy Clause’s naughty list.

I will probably never call Sam, Sammy Clause. That is a lot of responsibility trying to figure out who is naughty and who is nice. This ties directly to what we have been studying in church, the Flood. I had never really thought about this before, but when Noah entered the ark he did not shut the door of the ark. God did. That was God passing judgment on the wicked, because that ark was the only thing that could have saved them from their pending death. What is even more fascinating and very applicable to Carrie and I is that God had them wait 7 days in the ark before the flood started.

From personal experience, the waiting is the hardest. All the work leading up to the waiting seems so hard and maybe even impossible, but then the waiting starts. It is unbearable, especially, when there is no timeframe. I can imagine what I would be thinking if I was Noah. Ok, maybe I was a little crazy to spend like 100 years building a giant wooden box, and what the heck was I thinking? Then I filled it full of 2 animals of every kind, and they all smell. Did I pick the 2 smelliest of every kind? Etc… My guess is that Noah had a little more faith than I do. My evidence is Gen. 6:22, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” He just did it. Nike stole their slogan from Noah. Thieves.

I need to have a lot more faith like Noah and a lot less putting people on a naughty list and whining like a baby. Please pray that Carrie and I can put more faith in God’s timing.


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