Friday, May 28, 2010

Expectations: Don't have them

Alternately titled "If one more person asks me for an update I may scream"

Not really, well maybe just a little bit.

Tim's last post was all excitement and good news and I hate to be the Debbie Downer on that so instead there are just no posts and everyone is left hanging, which is not nice.

We have almost all of our Dossier: part II finished, including another visit to the doctor, but when I asked Bethany for a timeline they basically said we have to wait for Sam's medical stuff and they are running slow. This is contrary to what Irina told us when we were in Russia which was pretty much that it was going to take them 4 weeks and then they would be waiting on us. Basically they said we'll be lucky if it's early July.

That means six more weeks of waiting. And I opted out of my summer classes because I thought we were leaving and I shouldn't have done that but now I think it's too late to try and re-enroll. On the upside of that my brain is completely fried for the class I'm currently in and I have five chapter summaries due tonight that I haven't started yet so it's probably best that I just let it go.

And this is just a long complain-y post about nothing. Because when people ask for updates that's what we can say. Nothing. I want to go back tomorrow. I want to hold my sweet little boy and bring him home and not have to wonder wonder wonder what he's doing. I feel like we've been holding our breath inside a tunnel and what we thought was the light at the end just ended up being someone's headlights.

Praise God's infinite wisdom and perfect timing. I'm glad he knows what he's doing because I have no idea.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ye of Lil' Faith

So today we received our USCIS 171H. Yay (still not as wimpy was when Ben tweets it)! That means that we are approved by the US government to bring Sam here. It also means that we should be hearing about a possible court date. We are very excited. Very excited. We may even hear next week about when our court date is.

So what is all this then about lil' faith? Guess what also came today the very same day we received our USCIS approval? The original FBI background checks that no one could track or find. For those of you who missed it, we sent our fingerprints to the FBI, and they couldn't find them, so we sent another set at a great expense, but just wrote this it off as peace of mind. So we went for our peace of mind rather than trusting that God would provide. This is something He has done so much throughout this whole process. It is a good reminder that He is in control. Not a judge, a country overseas or our own or even us, because we are not in control. We try, but then we are reminded.

I will be honest that it felt like a little bit of a doubting Thomas moment when opened that package. It also was a little like the original sin in that Carrie said we should do this and I said yes we should. I need to go kick a snake's butt. Do snakes have butts? Not sure. Sorry I am really excited and anyways the point being, we both ignored that God was in control of all of this THE WHOLE TIME. Faith in God is a lesson that we never stop learning.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Everyone do a Little Dance

More like a big dance!

According to the FBI, our background checks will be in the mail next week! I was more worried about this than anything else and I feel like a burden has been lifted.

Now, we just need a few more things, most importantly the 171-H from immigration and we just got a letter from them asking for more info that has to come from Bethany.

Other than that not much is going on. I have been hobbled this week by a pinched nerve in my back that needs to go away because if it doesn't Tim won't let me go to Sunday School and it's Mother's day and I had a really big surprise for my 3 and 4 year olds. Let's send up some prayers that it gets better.

But mostly praise today. God can supernaturally (sort of) pick up paperwork and move it to the front of the line. God is good. All the time.
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