Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No news, good news, and stuff we can't talk about

So you'll remember the post from a few weeks ago in which I showed you all that lovely sky blue and gold that was our dossier. It was submitted to the head office on the 15th and we were silently hoping not to hear anything because that would mean it's all correct. So yesterday I had to go down to the agency's office and take them yet another check and our case worker confirmed that it had all been correct and was on it's way to Russia with another family. In fact it's probably already there and hopefully being submitted to "THE COMMITTEE" (That is always in capital letters in my head). So no news was good news.
And then there is the thing I'm not prepared to talk about in this space because it's new and fragile and I don't want to jinx it. If you want to know and you know us personally shoot me or Tim and email or call us and we'll tell you, but I'm not quite ready to put it out there for the world to read about just yet. It's not bad, it's very good. It just feels like a secret you want to hold on to.
And now I'm being a hopeless tease. I'll stop. Just pray for us in the next couple of weeks as we make some big decisions and some leaps of faith. And pray that we stop buying kids stuff. That kind of shopping is addictive.
P.S. Nevermind, Tim spilled my beans.


God's Girl said...

Oh... Lord would you guide and direct this sweet couple on their journey?

We are just getting ready to start the process of adopting again from Russia for our second child. I love hearing about a child that God brings to their forever family.

Blessings to you,


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